My Vision
The creation of Tierney Management is my longstanding vision of merging my marketing, branding and business management background with my personal passion for holistic enterprises, including WELL Building Standard™ and sustainability in the creative built environment.
About Tierney
Lori Tierney, founder of Tierney Management LLC, has over 30 years of experience specializing in sales/marketing, business management, networking, commercial real estate, interior design, architecture/contract furnishings, and construction management.
In addition to being an author and artist, she also hosts retreats and workshops that specialize in corporate wellness.Lori is a public speaker/lecturer and conducts workshops on wellness, corporate visioning, trends, marketing/sales training, team building and Feng Shui.
The adage that “nothing happens until something is sold” is truer today more than ever. First your customers need to “know you”, trust you, be willing to develop a relationship with you and then you have earned the right for them to buy from you.
The smartest most successful companies I have worked for all have one thing in common; they recognized the value of creative marketing, relationship building and unique brand associations that have allowed their company names to be on the tip of the tongues of their customers. They placed high value on marketing, co-branding-uniquely branded events tailored to their target customer base, networking, cause marketing and broad community involvement to ensure ongoing brand recognition. They spent money in a smart way when others were retrenching in economic fear, tightening their marketing budgets and allowing total fear of the future to paralyze them. As author Seth Godin so smartly illustrates, my successful clients bought “purple cows” when everyone else was selling their black and white ones.
Client History